
Talks and Music

Spiritual Books and Enlightened Resources

The Last Incarnation Audiobook Re-release!

A new release of the audiobook The Last Incarnation is available for you. This amazing book has powerful stories with Rama’s energy stored forever and available for you to access at any time!

The newly remixed audiobook has each chapter as its own volume and each story as its own track. This will make it easier for you to navigate to your favorite stories.

Travel with each student on a timeless journey back into their experience with Rama. Tap into the power they stored as you listen to their adventures in the world of enlightenment.
The Last Incarnation book cover showing Rama smiling
  • First Meetings
  • Desert Experiences
  • At Home with Rama
  • Public Meditations
  • Unexpected Encounters
  • Center Meetings
  • Nonphysical Experiences
  • Journeys
  • The Last Incarnation
Light Mind app splash screen showing meditating silhouette in front of ocean sunset

New Meditation App with Rama!

Just released to the phone stores

Light Mind Meditation
Experience the wisdom of Enlightened Mind. Insights from Rama will guide your meditations and keep you inspired and mindful throughout the day.

Be transported into a higher awareness that will point you to the beauty of life.

Click here to find out more.

Light Mind app icon

Be In Light

with Light Mind Meditation

Featured Products - June 2024

The Enlightenment Cycle talk series artwork featuring a dragon

The Enlightenment Cycle

The Enlightenment Cycle
The Rama Live in L.A. talk series cover featuring the L.A. cityscape

Rama Live in LA

Seeing, Dreaming & Places of Power
The album artwork for Samurai by Zazen featuring a crane and a katana sword in front of pink and purple mountains

Zazen Music

The album artwork for Ecstasy by Zazen featuring blue, green, and purple wave shapes

Zazen Music

Book cover for Surfing the Himalayas by Rama, Frederick Lenz, showing the sun shining behind a snowy mountain peak

Rama, Frederick Lenz

Surfing the Himalayas
The Last Incarnation book cover showing Rama smiling

Rama, Frederick Lenz

The Last Incarnation
Book cover for Snowboarding to Nirvana by Rama, Frederick Lenz, showing a snowboarder in mid-air on a snowy mountain

Rama, Frederick Lenz

Snowboarding to Nirvana
Book cover for Insights by Rama, Frederick Lenz, featuring a sunny shoreline with a horse in the distance

Rama, Frederick Lenz

Meditation is the art of life. All of life is meditation.
Rama smiling with his arms crossed wearing a designer suit
Seeing is the ability to tell what really is.

The works of Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz are reprinted or included here with permission from

The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism.